Holidays are so much fun with two wee ones around! This year was Lucas' first Christmas and he seemed to enjoy himself! We had lots of fun Christmas Eve with the kids and doing the traditional stuff to get ready for Santa's arrival. Christmas eve also marked
Lucas turning 7 months old. We baked cookies, hung out all day in our Pjays, watched Christmas movies and just enjoyed being home as a family. Before bed we all got our Christmas Jammies on and went outside to drop food for the Reindeer. Kalen seemed to really have fun throwing the food all around and Lucas even got in on the fun. We left our "Magic key" out for Santa. We do not have a Chimney for Saint Nick to plop down and leave presents so we leave a key out for him. It's a special key that only works for him. We placed cookies and milk under our smaller tree, and Kalen decided he needed to make sure the cookies were not poisonous. Right before bed we read A Night Before Christmas and about the birth of Jesus. Then everyone got tucked in so Santa could come.
Christmas morning was a lot of fun. Kalen just strolled out to the living room and stopped to play with a magazine before realizing there were all kinds of presents under the tree. He seemed most excited about his Stocking in which Santa filled full of cars! He was in complete shock that every time he placed his hand in the stocking he pulled out another car. He actually opened all of his presents by himself this year and even helped Lucas get his opened. A little bit later my Mom, Erik, and Nole came over to celebrate with the kids. Kalen loved the train table they got him. Luckily Erik had already put the buildings and table together we just needed to lay down the track. We ended Christmas day by having a nice Christmas Meal of Ham and fried Turkey! Yummy
On the Wednesday before Christmas the Hubs Parents came down to give Kalen and Lucas their gifts and to have dinner. Kalen got a cozy coupe and absolutely loves it. Lucas got some of his own cars to play with, although Kalen thinks they are his. After Christmas my Dad, Becky, Austin, my sister Ericka and her husband Tyler all came down and we enjoyed a day of eating and spending some time together and opening gifts!! Kalen and Lucas got a massive slide! Which I am sure will send us to the ER sometime in the new year. Kalen is getting super creative in the ways he goes up and down the slide. It is also a launching point for most of his toys.
We had a great Christmas and hope everyone else did as well.
Lucas Adding his ornament |
Kalen waiting not so patiently for his Coupe, from his Mimi and Bobo, to get put together |
Making Christmas Cookies |
Leaving the Cookies and Milk out for Santa, Kalen tested the star for Poison |
Throwing our Reindeer Food in the Yard |
Our Magic Key |
Lucas reading The Night Before Christmas |
Christmas Morning going through his stocking |
Lucas crawling to his Penguin |
Reggie with his Christmas present |
Lucas Playing with his remote control car |
Playing Cars |
Opening his Slide from Grandpa Buddy and Becky |
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