Well Mommy got a nice mini vacation for her birthday. I spent it in Orlando with two of my best girlfriends. Since I would be going Wed-Fri we needed a babysitter for the days since the Hubs would be working, So the hubs Mom came up to watch her grandbabies!! Thank you!! My vacay started by arriving at the Sheraton Hotel (which we stayed for Free) Yay!! We headed out to the pool to catch some rays for a few hours before the nights main event. Well my white skin hasn't seen the sun in a hot 9+ months so it quickly went from white to a beautiful shade of red. It eventually turned into a nice Tan, although I am starting to peel on my chest where I got burnt the most. While lounging by the pool we partaked in some delicious Margaritas. This was also the first time in 9+ months that my body enjoyed margaritas. That night we headed out to Amway to see our Number One Girl, the Legendary Miss Britney Spears!!! We have loved her from the beginning and even through her crazy faze and we still have love for her today no matter what people say. We had an amazing time singing and Dancing Till the World Ends. (My pics are not that great because my point and shoot is crappy and the batteries were dieing)

Thursday was a pretty chill day hanging out at my friends house by the pool and enjoying adult bevs, further extending my
tan. That night we headed to see Horrible Bosses, which was pretty hilarious. Ashley bought a medium soda which was a hot 5 dollars and we realized quickly why America is expanding. The medium could easily hold 4 cans of soda. Seriously who needs that much soda in one sitting?
My last day of the mini vacy, my friend, Ashley, and I met up with my hubby for lunch and then we were off to get ready for the NKOTBSB (New Kids on the Block and Backstreet Boys) concert. We first headed to Happy Hour at Fish bones to partake in half off Sushi and Margaritas. Then Ash, myself, and Ashley's sister Amanda headed to Amway to sing and dance. Our inner school girls came out at concert, and I had no voice the next few days. This was easily one of the best concerts Ive been too, the men clearly know how to put on a show as the sang and danced for over 2 1/2 hours. Since the BSB are from Orlando and they were visiting their hometown, the decided to shower the crowd with a gift, they brought out Boys II Men, we were in Heaven and the crowd went nuts.
Donnie |
Boy band explosion (NKOTB,BSB, Boys II Men) |
Saturday wasn't really a vacay day but the Hubs and I went to see Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 2. We got to use the tickets I purchased on Living Social about a month ago, Two tickets for 9 dollars you can't really beat that with the way movie prices are these days. The movie was great we actually really enjoyed it. We have read all the books and seen all the movies, and it is really hard for the movies to do the books justice so we go in with pretty low expectations. But they did really well with this one, it defiantly helped that they separated the last book into two movies. Later that night we headed to a birthday party with some of his old high school buddies. Momma and the hubs had a
little a lot to much to drink and was feeling no pain that night till Sunday morning rolled around and we had to take care of two kids. Whoops. All was okay by lunch time when Chipotle made both of us feel much better.
Monday the 25th of July was my actual birthday and we just stayed home and the Hubs cooked me dinner. We waited till Thursday night to go celebrate when my mom could come up and watch the babies. We went to a Brazilian steakhouse called iPanema, with some friends that he works with. We were all in heaven all the food was delicious. Since we were there on Thursday we got half off a pitcher of Sangria and Free dessert!! We pretty much had to be rolled out of the restaurant. I had a great birthday "week" celebrating with friends and family.
That does seem like a lot of fun and a great birthday week!!!! jealous much!!!