Halloween is so much better now that I have wee ones to dress up and take to all the Halloween events. We started out the Holiday by going to a Pickin' Patch to get our pumpkins.
I will say trick or treating is a lot different from what I did as a kid. Maybe it's this small town I live in. But, kids do not really go door to door. There are neighborhoods in Ocala and out in Homossassa that have door to door but, that was a little far to drive for some candy. When Kalen and Lucas get older and really understand Trick or treating then we will probably take the trek out to a good neighborhood. But for this Halloween we enjoyed what our little town had to offer.
Sunday night we got the little mister's dressed up to go Trunk or Treating. There were a few available so we went to the one across the street at the Middle school and then to a friends church. For those who have never been Trunk or treating it is an event put on mostly by churches to provide a safe way to trick or treat. Many have it set up like a festival and have food , games, and bounce houses. All the cars line up and the people handing out candy Decorate the Trunk or truck bed and hand out candy. Some people are super creative and make getting the candy interactive. Kalen seemed to enjoy getting free candy. He wasn't to keen on saying "trick or treat" but most ppl got smiles and laughs out of him. His favorite was when people had their puppies with them. He gave every single dog pets!
Halloween night we headed into town for an event they call Trail of treaters. You start at the Chamber of Commerce and then Trick or Treat your way up and down the main street in town. The various businesses pass out candy to all the trick or treaters. After making our way to all the stops we headed to Sonic for .50 cent corndogs, the Halloween special.
Helping Gut the Pumpkin |
Having a Taste... Nom Nom Nom |
Lucas as Jack the Monkey |
Kalen as Captain Jack Sparrow |
Sweet Dreds |
Our three pumpkins |
Halloween Day |
Trail of Treaters |
Where's my candy? |
Kalen and his friend Stover |
Little Mister's First Halloween |
Happy Halloween
I didn't even realize that y'all did a truck or treat- we never had that growing up either. Glad you guys got to take the boys out to do that though (cute costumes!)