Well Lucas turned 6 Months on Thanksgiving day! Eeekk its Dec 11th! Oh well, Better late than never. We went to The Hubs parents house to celebrate Thanksgiving with them. So Lucas had lots of fun playing with his big bro and his cousins. My little man is growing up so fast! He started crawling at about 5 1/2 Months and he began to pull himself up to a standing position over the past few days! Needless to say we lowered his crib today since every time we go in there to get him he is standing. He has really gotten the hang of this whole crawling thing. One minute he is by your feet then he is on the other side of the house in his or his brothers room. Its actually amazing what we let Lucas do that Kalen didn't get to do. Kalen was gated into the living room and playroom and was hardly ever let out to roam. Now we have no gates up and Lucas is free to roam the whole house, so we make sure we check on him often. There is no way we can put up the gates for Lucas because Kalen would freak no being able to go from his playroom to his room at a moments notice. He is also sitting up all on his own now!! So that meant he got to take a bath in the real tub!!
I swear Lucas might be the easiest baby to make laugh. He spends most of his day laughing at his toys, brother, himself, or his parents. All you have to do is look at him sometimes and out come a never ending string of giggles! Baby Laughs are the best, you can't help but laugh back when they laugh.
Th little mister loves to eat. We started giving him the Gerber finger foods recently and he loves them! He has also started drinking water with a little bit of juice in it out of a sippy cup. I'm not sure how much he is actually getting, but he is practicing using it and I'm sure he will be pounding juice like his brother in no time!
Lucas' stats for the month are that he weighs 15 pounds 7 ozs putting him right in the 50th percentile. His height is 27 inches. He had a slight growth spurt moving him from the 50th percentile (which he was at 4 months) in height to the 75th.
First bath in the Big Boy Tub |
Thanksgiving, He has some minor boo boos on his eye. :( |
Crawling around |
Brotherly love (Kalen thought he could wrestle Lucas) |
Smile Bot |
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