Monday, April 12, 2010

5 hours of fun

So I've neglected the blog world for quite some time, so i'll do a little catching up now. Well the reason I started this blog is finally here!!!! On Feburary 15, 2010, i gave birth to our wonderful son Kalen Cyrus Scibetta he came at 10:18 am and weighed in at 7lbs 10ozs!! He graced us with his presence a week early, which I was extremley grateful for since I was starting to get a little umcomfortable, and he probably would have been tipping the scales in the 8 lb range. I was also extremley thankful for his quick arrival.
I woke up on the 15th (monday) at about 5ish right after hubbys alarm went off and did my 15th trip to the bathroom. Then crawled back in bed and prayed I would fall back asleep, I was feeling great I hadn't had any contractions. No such luck, as I was trying to get comfy and bam my water broke (5:15 am) I got out of bed to tell michael he didnt need to get ready for work and there was the gush of water. Luckily I had been sleeping on a towel for the past week just in case. So out I run, fling open our bedroom door with a towel between my legs to tell michael it was time to go to the hospital. Off we went. We got to the hospital at 5:45, I was finally admitted at 6:15 after they did a few tests to make sure my water broke. I wasnt really having any contractions so if my water didnt break I was going to be sent home.
Let the fun begin. I was hooked up to the machines so they could monitor my blood pressure and the baby's heartbeat. Nothing like putting the most annoying contraption on a woman in labor. The blood pressure cuff went off every 5 mins, which it felt like they were going every min. Then I got my IV in, so now I'm connected to something else. Everyone leaves and now I have to go to the bathroom. Seriously how do I get there? I was handling the contractions pretty well and then I was given pitocin to make my contractions stronger. YAY!!! I was doing well, and then my mom asked the nurse to call to get my epidural, so I would be able to get some rest. I get the epidural and 20 mins pass and Im still in pain, so I start to tell myself that its working (trying to trick my mind). The nurse comes back and I tell her I still feel the contractions but that my legs were numb. Weird I thought. So she proceeds to check me and bam I was 9 1/2 cm and she could feel Kalen's head. So it was time to start pushing. I was holding my breath while pushing so they put me on oxygen. After about an hour of pushing, out comes Kalen at 10:18 am. Only 5 hours of labor, thank the lord. After two days in the hospital we get to come home!!

I wish all my friends that when the time comes that they have a nice short labor as I did.

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