Well it is officially Football Season!! My favorite season. The Gators started last weekend and the NFL started their season this past Sunday on the 10th anniversary of 9/11. My mom has season tickets to both the Gator games and Jaguar games and decided she would buy extras for the first Jaguar game so we could all go. I always go to the Gator games with my mom so its nice when Mike gets to go to some football games too. She was nice enough to watch her grand babies on Sat night so The Hubs and I could go to the Gator game together.
Well last year she had won a cabana to use for a tailgate before the Jaguar game. The Cabana had all you could eat and all the Bud Light you could want. We weren't gonna turn down that opportunity. So Sunday we all got ready and went to the game. This would be Kalen's third football game and Lucas' first. We were hoping that the lovely Fall weather would stay around for our weekend of football, but no such luck. It was a nice hot day for us. Kalen seemed to really enjoy himself, he pretty much ate an entire watermelon and spent the morning running all around the cabana and people watching. We went into the game early so we could watch the 9/11 tribute before the game. My Mom and I took Kalen to the seats so he could see the Flyover that was going to take place. We didn't get out there to see the whole thing because a Marine surprised his family on the field, they thought he was still overseas. I'm sure I would have been a Hot Mess if I actually saw that. The tribute was really nice they started out by showing a man in uniform playing Taps on the Jumbo tron. I am a sucker for Taps and I pretty much cry every time I hear it. I guess its the history of Taps and is usually played at Service (military, police, and firefighters) Funerals. Taps is played to indicate that its "Lights Out." This was really neat because they played it at all the stadiums at the same time and they showed live shots of all the other teams while Taps played. I had already heard it the night before at the Gator Game so I was well prepared for it on Sunday. After that they had service members bring out a giant flag that covered the entire field. A family friend was a part of the ceremony. Charice (from Glee) sang the National Anthem and did a wonderful job and then the Fly Over by two F-15s. After that we headed inside (because my mom upgraded to Touchdown Club tickets) Thank Goodness!! So we were able to watch the game in A/C. They did more at Half time as well.
Inside they had couches in front of 6 TV screens (so we could watch all the games that were going on) and we pretty much took over the whole couch. Kalen befriended the guys sitting next to us and was having a good ole time. Lucas took nap, haha. I was grateful that we had these tickets because it was a scorcher outside and I do not think Kalen or Lucas would have lasted very long and I doubt I would have either. We left in the middle of the third quarter because Kalen was starting to get more adventurous and would venture further and further from our couch. Before we left we stopped back by our Cabana so The Hubs could get some more free beers and cookies. No worries I was driving home. I was really proud of Kalen since the football game was during his nap time and we never had any problems with him.
Kalen and The Hubs with some Cheerleaders |
Kalen waving Flags |
He Loves the USA |
Carrying out the Flag, our Friend Johnny is in the Fireman at the Front in the Yellow hat |
Giant Flag |
Lucas ready for some Football |
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